Monday, August 10, 2009

Treasury Madness Continues--Workin' the Spectrum

Welcome back!
Ok so far we've touched on themes, dealing with the sellers you are featuring and the basics of what exactly a Treasury is.

Now I'd like to talk color.

This past weekend I was able to get two Treasuries. One in 'main' and one in Treasury West. (which I know I have to explain one day, sorry)

The first one, (see pic to the left) is well, 'steel based'. All works made with nails. Yes, nails.

I don't know where the idea came from but once I started looking things up, it came together beautifully.

If you notice from the screenshot, I didn't pick anything that had a contrasting background. That is on purpose.

I originally had some pieces, also beautiful, but their photo backgrounds didn't fit with what I was hoping to do. For this Treasury, I wanted the steel grays to really be the focal point--therefore--I wanted everything chosen to have that kind of black and white 'old movie' feel to it.
Now, I mentioned I was able to get two Treasuries this time around...
Well, for this second one, I went in the total opposite direction and really wanted a lot of color.

I also wanted to get the 'Lollipop' song out of my head (thanks Dell for using THAT for your damned ads)--so I decided why not go with something fun and super colorful:

It's so great when you have two completely different Treasuries running such as this to see the reactions folks have to it.

I love reading the comments after my Treasury goes 'live'.

Apparently this Lollipop one has been bringing back a lot of memories for folks and to me, that's fantastic.

It doesn't have to just be about promoting your work either. Neither of these Treasuries have my work in them.

Sometimes it's just about what comes to mind, what inspires you, what mood you're in that many ways to create.

Color though is a wonderful way to start.

One of my first was all involving my favorite color, blue. And as you can see in a previous post, I did one that was all minty green.

The sky is the limit when it comes to creating your Treasury. So have some fun with it, but also be respectful as (and this can't be stressed enough) you are representing other artists' works.

I'll leave you with that thought for now.

Until next time...


  1. You certainly get into a lot of treasuries!


  2. I wish I got into more--I actually get the chance to make more than I get into! lol :)

  3. Great treasuries! Love your blog and your shop!

  4. This is one of my new favourites! Really fun blog :)

  5. i love your "nailed" treasury! can't wait to see what you do next:)
